The practice of baking powder

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Ingredients: 100g Zucchini meat, 1 mushroom egg, 1 spring onion, ginger powder, oyster sauce, pepper powder, flour, starch, baking powder, pepper salt, Chili sauce and paste, oil salt.

1. Zucchini mushroom box
Ingredients: 100g Zucchini meat, 1 mushroom egg, 1 spring onion, ginger powder, oyster sauce, pepper powder, flour, starch, baking powder, pepper salt, Chili sauce and paste, oil salt.
1. Cut Zucchini into two thin slices, add some salt, ginger powder, pepper and oyster sauce into the meat stuffing, mix evenly in one direction, and marinate for ten minutes;
2. Add diced mushrooms and scallions; Stir in the same direction as before and set aside; Put some mushroom meat into Zucchini slices;
3. Use eggs, flour, starch, baking powder, and an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, then add a certain amount of water to make a thin and suitable batter; Put the prepared Zucchini box in the batter, and make its surface evenly covered with a layer of batter;
4. When the oil in the pot is hot, put it into a Zucchini box and fry it until it is light yellow; Open the fire again. When the oil temperature rises to 90%, put it into a Zucchini box and fry it until it is golden yellow; Place it on a plate and sprinkle some pepper salt on the surface.
2. Xianggu Gongwan
Ingredients: 600g pork (500g lean meat, 100g fat meat), 100g shiitake mushroom, 10g salt, 25g cooking wine, 12g granulated sugar, 1g white pepper powder, 4g baking powder, 12g Corn starch, 5g soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon red yeast powder, 2g chicken essence, 10g salad oil.
1) Wash the pork, drain it, and place it on a cutting board. Use a knife to separate the fat and lean meat; Cut the lean meat into strips and dice it; Cut the fat into small pieces; Take a small amount of lean diced meat, put it into the cooking machine, and stir for 5 seconds to remove; Beat all lean meat into mince, and also beat the fat into mince;
2) Put the beaten lean minced meat and fat minced meat into preservation bags separately; Use a rolling pin to roll it open and spread it flat, and place it in the refrigerator to freeze; Freeze until the minced meat clumps and remove, then break it into small pieces by hand and place them in a mixing bucket;
3) Add salt and slowly increase the speed gradually. Whip the minced meat at high speed without splashing it; Beat until the minced meat is somewhat transparent, with a lighter color and no red meat particles; Break open the frozen fat and put it in, continue to stir evenly;
4) Add cooking wine, granulated sugar, white pepper, Corn starch, salad oil, soy sauce and chicken essence, and mix well; Rinse the shiitake mushrooms and drain them. Cut them into small pieces; Put the mushroom powder into a mixing bucket; Add red koji powder and beat evenly; Add baking powder; Continue to beat evenly;
5) Dip a little water on your hand, grab a handful of meat filling, and squeeze out balls with a tiger's mouth; Use a spoon to remove and place the balls in a bowl or directly into the pot; Put some water in the pot and heat it to 80 ℃; Pour in the balls, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook until the balls float. Remove and serve.

Keyword: biscuit, Daikoku system, cocoa substitute, bean curd