The nutritional value of baking powder

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The four key principles of evaluating the effectiveness of a baking powder are "more, faster, better, and more economical", which is a relatively direct and objective evaluation method.

The four key principles of evaluating the effectiveness of a baking powder are "more, faster, better, and more economical", which is a relatively direct and objective evaluation method. The so-called 'many' refers to the higher gas production of baking powder, the so-called 'fast' refers to the application of baking powder, which needs to be effective and fluffy quickly, the so-called 'good' refers to the application effect, and the so-called 'saving' refers to the consideration of application cost. No matter how cheap and inexpensive a type of baking powder may be, if the amount used is large enough to be effective, the cost of use will definitely be higher. Saving the amount is a condition that naturally becomes a factor in evaluating the application effect of baking powder.

Keyword: biscuit, Daikoku system, cocoa substitute, bean curd